No Win Race: A Story of Belonging, Britishness and Sport

Derek A. Bardowell

In the eighties, black footballers emerged from the dressing room to find bananas being hurled from the stands. But the abuse didn't stop at the full-time whistle, racial harassment in sport mirrored the experience of many in society. As a kid from the East End, Derek Bardowell found solace in... read more

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In the eighties, black footballers emerged from the dressing room to find bananas being hurled from the stands. But the abuse didn't stop at the full-time whistle, racial harassment in sport mirrored the experience of many in society. As a kid from the East End, Derek Bardowell found solace in the success of black athletes.

It is what bonded three generations of his family. Yet even now, success on the field seldom converts to power or justice away from it. No Win Race is Bardowell's deeply personal exploration into the complexities and biases implicit in being black in Britain, told through the prism of sport.

Covering the period between the Brixton riots and Brexit, this visceral, powerful book is for those who want an honest insight into UK race relations, and for anyone who understands that sport is more than just a game.

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