A Suitable Boy

Vikram Seth

A modern classic, this epic tale of families, romance and political intrigue, set in India, never loses its power to delight and enchant readers. At its core, A Suitable Boy is a love story: the tale of Lata - and her mother's - attempts to find her a suitable husband,... read more

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A modern classic, this epic tale of families, romance and political intrigue, set in India, never loses its power to delight and enchant readers. At its core, A Suitable Boy is a love story: the tale of Lata - and her mother's - attempts to find her a suitable husband, through love or through exacting maternal appraisal. At the same time, it is the story of India, newly independent and struggling through a time of crisis as a sixth of the world's population faces its first great general election and the chance to map its own destiny.

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                              -£20.00 post and packing per order, Overseas addresses.

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