Blind Spot

Paula Hawkins

Since they were kids, Edie, Jake and Ryan have been the closest of friends. It's been the three of them against the world. Edie thought the bonds between them were unbreakable. So when Jake is brutally murdered and Ryan accused of the crime, her world is shattered. Edie is alone... read more

30 In Stock



Since they were kids, Edie, Jake and Ryan have been the closest of friends. It's been the three of them against the world. Edie thought the bonds between them were unbreakable.

So when Jake is brutally murdered and Ryan accused of the crime, her world is shattered. Edie is alone for the first time in years, living in the remote house that she and Jake shared. She is grief-stricken and afraid - with good reason.

Because someone is watching. Someone has been waiting for this moment. Now that Edie is alone, the past she tried so hard to leave behind is about to catch up with her...

Books and gifts     - £3.50 post and packing per order, UK addresses.

                              -£20.00 post and packing per order, Overseas addresses.

Art and craft - post and packing individually priced.

Wigtown Voucher   -£1.35 for letter UK addresses.

Orders will be shipped by second class postage.  Please allow 3 - 5 days for your order to be processed.


CLICK AND COLLECT - we aim to have your order ready for collection within 3 working days, but will email you to let you know when it is available to save you having a wasted journey. 


Collection from:

Wigtown Festival Company

11 North Main Street



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