Britain Is Better Than This : Why a Great Country is Failing Us All

Gavin Esler

For centuries, British identity has been shaped by ideas of exceptionalism, grandeur and competence. Yet British democracy is failing.Governments supported by a minority of voters are elected with enormous majorities under a deeply unrepresentative first-past-the-post system. The result has been failed leaders delivering wounding blows to the country's economy, prosperity... read more

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For centuries, British identity has been shaped by ideas of exceptionalism, grandeur and competence. Yet British democracy is failing.

Governments supported by a minority of voters are elected with enormous majorities under a deeply unrepresentative first-past-the-post system. The result has been failed leaders delivering wounding blows to the country's economy, prosperity and international image. Britain Is Better Than This explores what lies beneath this sense of malaise, revealing the structural and constitutional failures at the heart of a sclerotic political system.

It sheds light on a culture of lies, distrust and corruption. It reveals fundamental flaws in core institutions, including the media, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. It draws on events such as the MP expenses scandal, Brexit, 'Partygate' and the farcical premiership of Liz Truss, as symptoms of a great nation at a turning point yet unsure of which way to turn.

And it looks ahead, offering practical solutions to answer the key question of our time: What do we need to do to build a better future?

Books and gifts     - £3.50 post and packing per order, UK addresses.

                              -£20.00 post and packing per order, Overseas addresses.

Art and craft - post and packing individually priced.

Wigtown Voucher   -£1.35 for letter UK addresses.

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CLICK AND COLLECT - we aim to have your order ready for collection within 3 working days, but will email you to let you know when it is available to save you having a wasted journey. 


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