The Wheel is Spinning But the Hamster is Dead

Adam Sharp

Know your tater trap from your sniffle herring in Sharp's journey around the world in idioms, proverbs and general nonsense - the perfect gift for Christmas. Join wordsmith Adam Sharp as he journeys around the world in idioms, proverbs and general nonsense. Learn unusual insults from France (You are a... read more

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Know your tater trap from your sniffle herring in Sharp's journey around the world in idioms, proverbs and general nonsense - the perfect gift for Christmas.

Join wordsmith Adam Sharp as he journeys around the world in idioms, proverbs and general nonsense. Learn unusual insults from France (You are a potato with the face of a guinea pig), how to hurry someone up in the US (You're going as slow as molasses in January) and what they call a shark in Vietnam (fat fish). Full of fascinating, ridiculous and hilarious translations from around the world, Adam has rounded up the very best of what every corner of the globe has to offer.

Let's get this show on the road! Or:

Let's saddle the chickens! (German)On with the butter! (Icelandic)Forward with the goat! (Dutch)

Books and gifts     - £3.50 post and packing per order, UK addresses.

                              -£20.00 post and packing per order, Overseas addresses.

Art and craft - post and packing individually priced.

Wigtown Voucher   -£1.35 for letter UK addresses.

Orders will be shipped by second class postage.  Please allow 3 - 5 days for your order to be processed.


CLICK AND COLLECT - we aim to have your order ready for collection within 3 working days, but will email you to let you know when it is available to save you having a wasted journey. 


Collection from:

Wigtown Festival Company

11 North Main Street



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