Thin Ice: A Mystery

Paige Shelton

Beth Rivers, known to the world as Elizabeth Fairchild, has spent years as a bestselling novelist. She loved her job, at least until crazed Elizabeth Fairchild super-fan Levi Brooks stalked and kidnapped Beth, holding her captive for three days. She escaped, but suffered a severe head injury and memory loss.Still... read more

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Beth Rivers, known to the world as Elizabeth Fairchild, has spent years as a bestselling novelist. She loved her job, at least until crazed Elizabeth Fairchild super-fan Levi Brooks stalked and kidnapped Beth, holding her captive for three days. She escaped, but suffered a severe head injury and memory loss.

Still healing, she escapes to the beautiful - and remote - Benedict, Alaska. But just before Beth’s arrival, the already small population of Benedict was reduced by one. Linda Rafferty’s death was ruled a suicide, but no one quite believes it.

While she waits for her attacker to be caught, Beth digs into the story behind Linda’s death. As rumors of murder spread, suspicion falls upon the felons staying at a local halfway house - and Beth herself. Beth starts asking questions, only to find her investigation stirring up memories she’d much rather had stayed forgotten…

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