Inferno: A Memoir

Catherine Cho

Catherine Cho's son was three months old when she and her husband left home to introduce him to their families. Catherine herself could never have envisaged how the trip would end for her - surfacing in an involuntary psychiatric ward, separated from her husband and child, unable to understand who... read more

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Catherine Cho's son was three months old when she and her husband left home to introduce him to their families. Catherine herself could never have envisaged how the trip would end for her - surfacing in an involuntary psychiatric ward, separated from her husband and child, unable to understand who she was, or remember how she got there.

In her two weeks on the ward, Catherine turned to her notebook to reconstruct who she was, piece by piece, from the fragments of her life as they drifted back to her. The result is this powerful exploration of psychosis and motherhood, at once intensely personal, yet holding within it a universal experience - of how we love, live and understand ourselves in relation to each other.

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                              -£20.00 post and packing per order, Overseas addresses.

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