Slow Rise: A Bread-Making Adventure

Robert Penn

Over the course of a year, Robert Penn learns how to plant, harvest, thresh and mill his own wheat, in order to bake bread for his family. In returning to this pre-industrial practice, he tells the fascinating story of our relationship with bread: from the domestication of wheat in the... read more

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Over the course of a year, Robert Penn learns how to plant, harvest, thresh and mill his own wheat, in order to bake bread for his family. In returning to this pre-industrial practice, he tells the fascinating story of our relationship with bread: from the domestication of wheat in the Fertile Crescent at the dawn of civilization, to the rise of mass-produced loaves and the resurgence in homebaking today. Gathering knowledge and wisdom from experts around the world - farmers on the banks of the Nile, harvesters in the American Midwest and Parisian boulangers - Penn reconnects the joy of making and eating bread with a deep appreciation for the skill and patience required to cultivate its key ingredient.

This book is a celebration of the millennia-old craft of breadmaking, and how it is woven into the story of humanity.

Books and gifts     - £3.50 post and packing per order, UK addresses.

                              -£20.00 post and packing per order, Overseas addresses.

Art and craft - post and packing individually priced.

Wigtown Voucher   -£1.35 for letter UK addresses.

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